Bulldogs Are Respectful, Responsible, and Kind!
This framework is a part of our District 27 PBIS program (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) to promote positive behaviors in our schools. The reverse side of this letter outlines how students will BARRK through different settings within Hickory Point School. During their BARRK lessons, teachers demonstrated the right way and wrong way to act. Then, students practiced the expected behaviors. Additionally, classroom teachers will be instructing students on how to successfully BARRK through their classroom expectations over the coming weeks.
During the school year, students will earn Bulldog Bucks to acknowledge positive behaviors. These are randomly given when students demonstrate the desired behaviors or go above and beyond expectations. Bulldog Bucks will be kept in classroom jars and used towards class, grade level, or school goals.
If a student is not meeting expectations, the teacher will redirect them, and in some cases an office referral will be completed. Students and teachers keep track of classroom redirections and office referrals so we can thoughtfully reflect and plan for improvement as a school, class, or individually. Consistent communication between the school and home is an essential part of our PBIS process. Therefore, parents will be notified of concerns when a child receives several redirections or when referred to the office. We always want our pack to do well and will be coaching them towards increased success throughout the school year.
Please help us as we instruct our pack by praising and encouraging these same expectations within your home and your child’s activities.