Hickory Point Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Click each tab to view the information for that section.
- Home
- Welcome Letter
- Daily Schedule
- Attendance
- Academic Program
- Support Services
- Special Subjects and Student Programs
- Discipline
- Health
- Building Procedures
- Transportation and Safety
- Food and Beverage Procedure
- Other Information
- Selected Board Policies
This elementary student handbook has been prepared through the combined efforts of parents, staff and administration to provide you and your child(ren) with necessary information concerning Hickory Point School and District 27. The handbook is designed to guide parents and students in better understanding the policies and procedures to assist children’s educational experience. Additional information will be mailed or sent home with your child(ren) as needed during the school year. However, the information contained in this handbook should answer most questions you may have. Please carefully review this book with your child(ren) so their rights and responsibilities are understood.
Mission Statement
Our Mission
Educating Students to Succeed in a Changing World
Our Core Values
Pursue learning that develops individual growth, potential, and leadership to the fullest of our capacity.
Commit to performance excellence as a learning community.
Use performance results to honor our accomplishments, determine our needs, and improve learning experiences and achievements.
Share the responsibility to learn and work in a collaborative environment.
Adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior, both personal and organizational.
Treat others with respect and value differences.
This mission statement was developed by a steering committee of parents, teachers and community members. It was approved by the Board of Education on April 21, 2005.
Welcome Letter
Dear Hickory Point Families
Welcome to a new school year. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your child(ren). Our Hickory Point family is fortunate to have every one of their smiling faces with us every day!
The student handbook explains the policies and procedures of District 27 in general, specifically those of Hickory Point. Policies and procedures are essential; however, everything else will follow smoothly if we maintain a respectful, responsible, and kind environment.
Our experience at Hickory Point has shown that parents send their children to school ready to learn. Because of our parents' emphasis on education, our students have a positive attitude and enthusiasm that contribute to effective learning. Please continue to support this healthy relationship between home and school.
Hickory Point is fortunate to employ an excellent professional staff. The teachers create a learning environment that actively engages the children in their education. Please continue to work closely with your child’s classroom teacher to enhance your child’s growth together.
Instead of governing your child's daily life by rules and regulations, we emphasize an atmosphere of respect, responsibility, and kindness. When children have a healthy respect for themselves, one another, their teacher, and the school's physical environment, disciplinary issues are minimal. Please continue to support us in developing and maintaining an atmosphere of respect, responsibility, and kindness at Hickory Point.
Lauren Weingarten
Assistant Principal
Daily Schedule
Time | Event |
8:25 a.m. | First Bell |
8:30 a.m. | Tardy Bell |
11:30 a.m. | Beginning Lunch Bell |
12:15 p.m. | Ending Lunch Bell |
3:00 p.m. | Dismissal Bell |
Students are considered tardy if they arrive at school after the 8:30 am bell. To preserve instructional time and teacher-responsible behavior, please make every effort to get your child to school on time. Students who have unexcused tardies may be subject to disciplinary action. Students with chronic tardiness will receive a truancy letter from the Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Services.
Supervision is provided fifteen minutes before the start of the school day. Please only drop your child off at 8:10 am. If a problem arises, it is recommended that you work with a neighbor or friend to arrange transportation to school. For your child’s safety, we ask you to make arrangements before the beginning of school.
When arriving at school, kindergarten students will enter the building immediately through Door A, the front door. They will move to their designated waiting area. First and second grade students enter the building through their designated entrances at 8:10 am and proceed to the gym. Supervision is provided at the bus arrival area and each designated student entrance.
Students will enter the building immediately if the weather is inclement. The Board of Education defines inclement weather as:
- Temperature below 15°
- Heavy new snow of three inches or more
- Rain, regardless of the amount
- The temperature, when combined with the wind speed, produces a wind chill below 10°
At dismissal, students riding the bus will wait in the gym before loading the bus. Supervisors will walk students out and place them on the bus to go home. A supervisor will walk students who attend the after-school program to the Adventure Camp room. Students picked up from school will exit out Door H, the door facing the playground. Parents are encouraged to wait in the car pick-up line at dismissal. Supervisors will only allow students to load into cars in the first six spots on the horseshoe. Please pull up as far as you can when staging on the horseshoe. Parents wishing to pick their students up at Door H should wait outside the sidewalk to allow all students to exit the building safely.
If the weather is inclement at dismissal, students will be dismissed one at a time from Door H Foyer. Parents in the pickup lane should stage as usual, and students will be called out of the building one at a time.
Student Attendance and Absence Policy
Regular and faithful attendance is a prerequisite to successful school life. Students should be absent only in cases of illness or emergency. The Board of Education directs the school administration and staff to enforce all school regulations relative to school attendance consistently. These regulations require that all absences be verified by phone or by the student’s parent or legal guardian. When a student is ill and unable to attend school, parents are asked to call the school office that morning (847.498.3830) by 8:00 am to report the absence or use the attendance email, HP.Attendance@nb27.org. Students absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness must submit a written statement from a physician, which includes the diagnoses for the extended absence.
If the office staff cannot personally answer the phone call, please leave a message including your child’s name, teacher, and the reason for the absence. Parents who do not notify the school when their children are absent will receive a phone call from the office staff. This telephone message policy has been implemented to ensure the safety and security of your children
Board of Education policy requires all students to attend for the entire school day fully. State attendance reporting regulations require a student must be in attendance for 2.5 hours in both the morning and afternoon or be reported absent for the respective half day. Students arriving late, but within the 2.5-hour limit shall be considered tardy.
For example:
- A student who arrives at 8:40 a.m. and attends more than 2.5 hours in the morning between 8:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. is considered tardy.
- A student who arrives at 9:25 a.m. and attends less than 2.5 hours, between 8:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m., is considered absent half day morning.
- A student who arrives at 1:40 p.m. and attends less than 2.5 hours between 11:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., is considered absent half day afternoon.
- A student who is present until 2:45 p.m. and attends more than 2.5 hours in the afternoon between 11:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., is considered an early dismissal with written parent authorization.
This policy complies with the ISBE attendance regulations and is strictly enforced. Children with chronic absences will receive a truancy letter from the Director of Human Resources and Student Services office.
Excused Absences
The reasons for an excused absence shall include a student's illness or a family emergency, such as a death in the family or a religious holiday. All other absences are unexcused, even if the school office or teacher has been notified. Students absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness must submit a written statement from a physician, which includes the diagnoses for the extended absence.
Physical Education and Recess Exemptions
Physical Education and recess are considered a part of the regular school day. If your child has been ill and returned to school, they may be excused for up to three consecutive days from PE and recess by a written parent request. If an absence for more than three consecutive days is necessary, a note from a physician stating the reason is required.
If a child has been ill or disabled in any manner, a physician must verify any physical education limits upon that child’s return to school. If a physician feels that the child can participate in a physical education setting with limitations, those limitations must be identified in the physician’s note. Once those restrictions have been lifted, a physician's note is required so the student can resume normal physical education activities.
Students who are late to school must report to the office for a “tardy slip” before going to class. An excused tardy may be given for any written verification for medical purposes or family emergencies. Excused tardies are given for late buses. Unexcused tardies are defined as all other reasons.
Academic Program
The primary goals of School District 27 are to provide each student with learning opportunities in every academic area to develop individual interests so students will continue their learning activities beyond the formal school setting.
The basic program for all students at Hickory Point includes reading, writing, language arts (grammar, usage, oral and written expression, handwriting and spelling), mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, art, music, computers, social-emotional, and library.
Students are placed in heterogeneous classroom settings that emphasize flexible, cooperative groupings, and opportunities to match various learning styles.
Grading System
Student in kindergarten through grade two receive report cards three times a year. In addition to the teacher's comments, skill achievement is evaluated as follows:
- Meeting district expectations.
- Making progress, but not meeting district standards.
- Not making expected progress towards meeting district expectations.
Homework Guidelines
Homework is an integral part of the learning process in Northbrook School District 27. Homework should be relevant to students’ curricula and instruction and facilitate learning. Homework is an effective instructional technique and serves different purposes at different grade levels. Homework reinforces classroom learning and provides teachers with additional insights about their students. It is also a vital link between school and home. Parents’ interest in their child’s school work offers encouragement and positive reinforcement in the learning process. Appropriate homework assignments facilitate students’ success in learning.
The Hickory Point staff believes homework encourages parental involvement in learning, which is critical to a positive school experience. Homework for young children:
- Develops positive reading habits and study habits.
- Fosters student responsibility.
- Communicates to students the importance of learning taking place both at home and at school.
- Fosters a positive attitude towards school.
The following guidelines regarding homework at each grade level have been developed to meet these objectives. Children must understand that you, as your child’s primary teacher, value your child's learning activities at school. To enhance the home-school connection, we recommend the following activities. Your child’s teacher will review homework expectations at Back-to-School night in August.
Kindergarten Activities
Each night your child will be bringing home a folder. Please check this daily and look carefully for homework assignments. Examples of kindergarten homework:
- Reading to and with your child daily for at least 15 to 20 minutes a night. Even when your child can read independently, it is still essential for your kindergartner to hear and enjoy the language and share the closeness of time with you. Children also love to read to their parents and show them how well they can read.
- Completing Math Homework and Remembering pages.
- Taking care of library books and returning them on time.
First Grade Activities
Each night your child will be bringing home a folder. Please check this daily and look carefully for homework assignments. Examples of first grade homework:
- Reading to and with your child daily for at least 15 to 20 minutes a night. Even when your child can read independently, it is still important for your first-graders to hear and enjoy the language and share the closeness of time with you. Children also love to read to their parents and show them how well they can read.
- Completing Math Homework and Remembering pages.
- Preparing materials or projects to reinforce and practice concepts learned in all areas.
Second Grade Activities
Each night your child will be bringing home a folder. Please check this daily and look carefully for homework assignments. Examples of second grade homework:
- Reading to and with your child daily for at least 15 to 20 minutes a night. Even when your child can read independently, it is still important for your first-graders to hear and enjoy the language and share the closeness of time with you. Children also love to read to their parents and show them how well they can read.
- Complete daily spelling practice.
- Complete Math Homework and Remembering pages.
- Preparing occasional projects designed to reinforce and practice concepts learned in all areas.
- Practicing math facts
More Homework Guidelines
- Homework over holidays - Homework is not assigned for completion over the District’s Thanksgiving, winter, or spring breaks or on the “District Holidays” indicated on the District calendar. Please contact the child's teacher if you observe a religious holiday other than these.
- Homework on weekends - Teachers may assign the same homework as on a school night, although we try to avoid assigning homework on weekends.
- Group projects as homework - When group projects are assigned as homework, students can complete the project independently.
- Late procedures for homework - Late procedures for homework are to be determined at the teacher’s discretion, taking into account the type and grade percentage of the homework and in keeping with the goal of student success.
- Homework for absences - All students will have the option of requesting homework on the first absence due to illness if the parents perceive this to be in the best interest of their child and if the request is made to the school secretary by 8:30 am. Requests made after 8:30 am will be honored the following day.
- Homework during vacations - If a student has planned an extended unexcused vacation, the parents may request homework before the beginning of the vacation. Teachers will provide this homework whenever possible. Upon returning from the vacation, the child will have the same days as they were absent, up to a maximum of five days, to complete overdue homework assignments. Test make-ups will be scheduled at the convenience of the teacher.
- Canvas – Most home/school communication occurs on the District 27 website. Parents will receive information about accessing Canvas from their child’s teacher.
Support Services
Hickory Point School provides students with the supportive services of a social worker, psychologist, resource teachers, reading specialists, speech pathologists, and Multilingual Learner teachers. The functions of each of these individuals are as follows:
- Social Worker - The social worker meets with students individually, in pairs, or with groups when social/emotional needs impact academic performance. The social worker is also available to consult with parents regarding their child. The social worker helps students to solve problems that may be affecting their school performance. Students may refer themselves to the social worker or may be referred by a teacher, the principal, or their parents.
- School Psychologist - Provides assessment to help determine students' learning strengths and needs. In addition, the school psychologist collaborates with staff and parents to problem-solve concerns. The psychologist also provides individual and group counseling for students.
- Resource Programs - The resource teacher helps provide various special instructional programs for students in consultation with the classroom teacher and other specialists. These programs offer learning assistance primarily in reading, language arts, and mathematics.
- Reading Specialist - In consultation with the educational team, the reading specialist provides direct reading instruction to identified students.
- Speech and Language Pathologist - Speech pathologists are available to help classroom teachers detect speech or language problems.
- Multilingual Learner - This service aims to assist children with multilingual backgrounds in acquiring skills and competency in the English language. Direct support is given to students based on their current ability to demonstrate command of the English language. Students generally meet in small groups and receive support with their regular academic activities.
Parents are notified and must give their child(ren) written consent to receive ongoing assistance from the resource teachers, social worker, speech pathologist, reading specialist, or Multilingual Learner teacher.
Special Subjects and Student Programs
Students at Hickory Point receive instruction in the library, physical education, music, and art. In addition, kindergarten students receive instruction in technology. The instruction is presented by specialists who provide opportunities for students to learn, express themselves, and develop in ways not provided for in the regular classroom.
Children are required to wear gym shoes during physical education classes. An extra pair of gym shoes may be kept in your child’s cubby.
Our school library has a great variety of materials to help students learn. These include extensive books, magazines, and other reference materials.
Students formally visit the library once a week to receive instruction on library skills and to check out books. A replacement fee is charged for books that are lost or damaged.
Chromebooks are used at Hickory Point to support the learning process when appropriate. Kindergarten and first grade students have personal devices at school. Second grade students bring personal Chromebooks home each day for charging. Technology is used in the classroom to enhance instruction. Hickory Point uses Apple-based technology. Our district’s technology plan focuses on helping our students become digital learners and develop 21st Century Learning Skills.
Student Programs
Throughout the school year, classrooms may have special presentations designed for parental attendance during the school day. The teacher will share information regarding these programs will be shared in advance. If parents cannot attend, we do our best to have another adult from the school work with the child during this time.
First and second grade students have a music program held as an evening event lasting 30 to 40 minutes. The kindergarten music program takes place during the day. You are encouraged to attend these programs. Specific information about these performances will be sent home several weeks before the event.
Good discipline is a function of a well-managed classroom. In most instances, discipline is a matter between teacher, student, and parent. However, the School District has established a comprehensive discipline policy involving parents, teachers, Board of Education members, and administrators. This policy and students' rights and responsibilities are published in the “Rules of Conduct” handbook and available online. Parents or guardians must review the rules, regulations, and discipline policies governing students with their children. Refer to the “Rules of Conduct ” posted online through the District 27 web page.
Within fifteen (15) days of the opening of each school year, the School District will notify all students and parents or guardians of students enrolled in the School District of the student rules and regulations and discipline policies governing students. Suppose a student enrolls after the beginning of the school year. In that case, a copy of the rules and regulations will be provided to the student and parent or guardian within fifteen (15) days of enrollment.
Rights and Responsibilities
Students, teachers, administrators, and parents must work together to promote a healthy and productive learning climate. A solid partnership between the home and the school is essential for the student's well-being.
We believe each student has the right:
- To live and learn in a school environment that is conductive to learning.
- For physical and emotional safety.
- To be recognized as an individual and be treated with dignity and respect.
- To take a risk, accept responsibility for the action, and learn from the experience.
- Due process with fact-finding.
- To take pride and ownership in the school.
- To discipline that is developmentally appropriate.
- Consistent attention to the rules and consequences by staff, administration, and Board.
The teachers, administration and Board are responsible for communicating and working cooperatively with parents regarding student school behavior. Still, it is recognized that the school is responsible for taking appropriate measures to ensure order and the safety of students and staff.
Personal Appearance
Students are expected to dress appropriately and exercise good personal hygiene concerning their daily appearance. Please remember shirts should cover the midriff and be of the appropriate length during warm weather months. School officials may regulate dress and hairstyles when such styles present a health or safety hazard or a disruption to the educational program.
Appropriate Language
Students are expected to exercise good taste in addressing each other and their teachers in written and oral communication. Vulgarities and disrespectful language will not be tolerated, and students who use this type of language will be subject to disciplinary action.
Health Services
The school nurse assists in protecting and improving student health at the school.
District 27 health services are designed to serve the following purposes:
- To determine the health status of individuals within the school community;
- To counsel students, parents, and staff personnel in health matters;
- To help prevent or control the spread of communicable diseases;
- To provide care for sick or injured students;
- To provide a vision and hearing screening program;
- To administer medications as directed by individual physicians;
- To help ensure updated health records and emergency contact forms.
Emergency Health Forms
The emergency health form is essential to the safety of all students at school. It serves as the school district’s primary source of information should an injury occur, or a student becomes ill at school. The emergency health form must be completed and returned to the nurse’s office before school begins. The health form serves as an annual health appraisal to inform school officials of health conditions, medications, and restrictions, if any.
Parents who will be out of town and plan on their child staying with another adult should inform the office by telephone and provide written communication regarding the names of the temporary guardians and additional emergency telephone numbers where they can be reached. The school office needs to be informed when addresses and phone numbers (home, cell, or work) are changed or added.
Prescription Drugs - Medication
Northbrook School District 27 nurses and school personnel will administer medications and prescribed drugs to students at the schools only upon receipt of written instructions from the physician and the parents. The following guidelines for administering medications and prescribed drugs to students have been established:
- A written request from the parents, together with a letter from the physician indicating the need for medication during the school day, the type of illness, benefits of medication, side effects (if any), physician’s description of medicine, the pharmaceutical trade name, and the telephone number where the physician may be reached, must be filed with the school health office.
- Medication must be brought to the school in a container labeled by the pharmacy or the physician. The amount or dosage to be brought to the school at any time shall be at most two weeks.
- Medications such as aspirin, cough drops or syrup, ear, nose, eye drops, or other drugs not prescribed by the physician will not be permitted or administered at the school.
- School District 27 maintains the right to reject the administration of medicine. Under no circumstances shall it assume liability for any act or omission in carrying out the instruction of any physician.
Students who have medication in their possession, whether or not prescribed by a physician, and who have not notified their building principal or nurse are subject to discipline.
Asthma inhalers and EpiPens are the exceptions; however, the regular physician’s form must be completed and filed with the health office, just as with any other form of medication.
For a complete copy of the medication policy, please visit www.nb27.org.
Building Procedures
School Closings
If schools should be closed because of an emergency, parents will be notified through the District’s emergency notification system before the start of the school day. Parents can expect automated phone calls, emails, and text messages. The parent is responsible for providing the schools with updated contact information. Emergency closing information is also available through the district website, WGN’s Emergency Closing website, local major radio and TV sources, and the district’s social media sites. Please do not call the school during these emergencies.
If an emergency occurs during the school day while children attend, the Superintendent of Schools will initiate the District emergency notification system. Additionally, appropriate action will be taken to ensure the safety of students.
Emergency Procedures
Safety is our top priority. Ongoing safety threats to schools exist, and our district is challenged to evaluate our safety protocols, practices, and training constantly. Northbrook School District 27 has created a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan to protect the students and staff and respond to a critical incident. The emergency preparedness plan follows the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which incorporates the Incident Command System protocol, which includes training, drills, practices, and procedures to create a comprehensive emergency response plan. Emergency response drills are practiced with students and staff throughout the school year.
Video Surveillance
Northbrook School District 27 operates video monitoring systems for safety and security. With Board approval, the Superintendent or designee shall determine all locations where video cameras will be placed. Video cameras may record activity in areas where individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Cameras will be placed to monitor building exteriors and entrances. School buses are equipped with video cameras.
Transportation and Safety
Click on a title to view the information below.
Bicycles are considered as vehicles of transportation to and from school. The following rules, as well as all “Illinois Rules of the Road” are to be followed:
- Bicycles should be walked on school property and when crossing intersections.
- Helmets are highly recommended.
- Bicycles are to be parked in, locked to the rack with a secure cable, and lock in the assigned area as soon as students arrive at school.
- A student is to ride their bicycle.
- The bicycle area is off-limits except when students park or leave with their bicycles.
- Students are to obey all traffic signs and signals.
- Students should never carry a passenger on their bicycles.
- It is recommended that students carry all books in a backpack.
- Students cannot ride their bicycles on the sidewalk to and from school. Bicyclists always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
Food and Beverage Procedure
Healthy Snack Break
Hickory Point students have a morning snack break. Each child is responsible for bringing a snack if they wish, but it must be a snack of fruit or vegetables. Water bottles are the only beverages allowed in the classroom. Due to concerns over various food allergies or sensitivities, children are not allowed to share snacks or lunches.
Lunch Room
Students are expected to remain in school during lunch unless prior arrangements have been made for them to leave school. Students will be walked to the lunchroom at the beginning of their lunch period with all the items they need to eat. Classrooms are off-limits to students during lunchtime unless the student has permission from a teacher to spend time with that teacher. Lunches are only to be consumed in the lunchroom.
The time allotted for lunch and recess is 45 minutes. Children spend half of this time in the lunchroom and the other half at recess.
On occasion, parents bring a lunch to school for their children. We ask that sack lunches be brought and left on the lunch cart at Door A in the foyer. The school office will not accept food deliveries from restaurants in a child’s name. Please do not arrange food deliveries to the school for your child, as that delivery will be refused. Parents are not allowed to provide lunch for anyone other than their child.
The school staff provides supervision during the lunch and recess periods.
The school provides supervision for the lunchroom and recess. If students go home for lunch, they should have a note in the school office, which must be signed out and returned to the school office by a parent.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are special days at Hickory Point. However, edible treats are not allowed at the school due to allergies. Each classroom teacher will share specific details for their class with parents during Back-to-School Night.
Gum chewing is not allowed at Hickory Point. Students should get rid of their gum before arriving at school.
Other Information
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In cooperation with School District 27, the Northbrook Park District sponsors a before and after-school extended care program. This Adventure Campus program is available before school from 7:00 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. and after school from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Hickory Point.
Prior registration is necessary to participate in these programs. Registration and additional information can be found in the Northbrook Park District’s Recreation Guide, or you can call the Northbrook Park District’s registration office at 847-291-2995.
Selected Board Policies
Equal Educational Opportunities/Policy 7:10
Harassment of Students Prohibited/Policy 7:20
Prevention and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment/Policy 7:180 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Behavior/Policy 7:190 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Administering Medicines to Students/Policy 7:270 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Records/7:340 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Acceptable use of District Technology and Network/Policy 6:235 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window