Food and Beverage Procedure

Hickory Point students have a morning snack break. Each child is responsible for bringing his/her own snack if they wish to do so, but it must be a snack of a fresh fruit or vegetable. Water bottles are the only beverages allowed in the classroom. Gum chewing is not allowed at Hickory Point. Students should get rid of their gum before arriving at school. Due to concerns over various food allergies or sensitivities, children are not allowed to share snacks or lunches. 

Lunch Room

Students are expected to remain in school during lunch unless prior arrangements have been made for them to leave school. Students will be walked to the lunchroom at the beginning of their lunch period with all the items they need to eat. Classrooms are off limits to students during lunch time unless the student has permission from a teacher to spend the time with that teacher. Lunches are only to be eaten in the lunchroom.

The time allotted for lunch and recess is 45 minutes. Children spend half of this time in the lunchroom and the other half at recess.

On occasion, parents bring a lunch to school for their children. We ask that sack lunches be brought and left on the lunch cart in the office. The school office will not accept food deliveries from restaurants in a child’s name. Please do not arrange food deliveries to the school for your child, as that delivery will be refused. Parents are not allowed to provide lunch for anyone other than their own child.

The school staff provides supervision during the lunch and recess period.

Supervision for the lunchroom and recess is provided by the school. If students go home for lunch, they should have a note in the school office and must be signed out an and back in the school office by a parent.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are special days at Hickory Point. However, we ask that birthdays be celebrated with books. Edible treats are not allowed at the school. Children may bring a book to share with the class or donate a birthday gift book to the classroom library. Each classroom teacher will share specific details for their class with parents during Curriculum Night.