Building Procedures

School Closings

If schools should be closed because of an emergency, prior to the start of the school day, parents will be notified through the District’s emergency notification system. Parents can expect to receive an automated phone call, email, and text message. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide the schools with updated contact information. Emergency closing information is also available through the district website, WGN’s Emergency Closing website, local major radio and TV sources and the district’s social media sites. Please do not call the school during these emergencies.

In the event of an emergency occurring during the school day while children are in attendance, the Superintendent of Schools will initiate the District emergency notification system. Additionally, appropriate action will be taken to ensure the safety of students.

Emergency Procedures

Safety is our top priority. On-going safety threats to schools exist and challenge our District to constantly evaluate our safety protocols, practices and training. Northbrook School District 27 has created a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan designed to protect the students and staff and to respond in the event of a critical incident. The emergency preparedness plan follows the National Incident Management System (NIMS) incorporating Incident Command System protocol; which includes training, drills, practices and procedures in order to create a comprehensive emergency response plan. Emergency response drills are practiced with students and staff throughout the school year.

Video Surveillance

Northbrook School District 27 operates video monitoring systems for safety and security. With Board approval, the Superintendent or designee shall determine all locations where video cameras will be placed. Video cameras may be used to record activity in areas where individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Cameras will be placed to monitor building exteriors and entrances. School buses are equipped with video cameras.