Daily Schedule

Time Event
8:25 a.m. First Bell
8:30 a.m. Tardy Bell
11:30 a.m. Beginning Lunch Bell
12:15 p.m. Ending Lunch Bell
3:00 p.m. Dismissal Bell

Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after the 8:30 a.m. bell. In order to preserve instructional time and teacher responsible behavior, please make every effort to get your child to school on time. Students who have unexcused tardies ,may be subject to disciplinary action. Students with chronic tardiness will receive a truancy letter from the Assistant Superintendent for pupil Services.

Supervision is provided fifteen minutes prior to the start of the school day. Please do not drop your child off before 8:10 a.m.. If a problem arises, it is recommended that you work with a neighbor or friend to arrange transportation to school. For your child’s safety we ask you make arrangements prior to the beginning of school.

When arriving at school, kindergarten students will enter the building immediately upon arrival through Door A, the front door. They will move to their designated waiting area. First and second grade students will wait on the playground and enter the building through their designated entrances at 8:25 a.m.. Supervision is provided at the bus arrival area and each of the designated entrances for students.

Students will enter the building at this time if the weather is inclement. Inclement weather is defined by the Board of Education as:

  • Temperature below 15 degrees.
  • Heavy new snow of three inches or more.
  • Rain, regardless of the amount.
  • The temperature, when combined with the wind speed, produce a wind chill below 10 degrees.

At dismissal students riding the bus will wait in the gym before loading the bus. Supervisors will walk students out and place them on the bus to go home. Students who attend the after school program will be walked by a supervisor to the Adventure Camp room. Students who are picked up from school will exit out Door H, the door facing the playground. Parents are encouraged to wait in the car pick up line at dismissal. Supervisors will only allow students to load into cars in the first six spots on the horseshoe. Please be sure to pull up as far as you can when staging
on the horseshoe. Parents who wish to pick their student up at Door H should wait to the outsides of the sidewalk to allow for all students to exit the building safely.

If the weather is inclement at dismissal students will be dismissed one at a time out of the Door H Foyer. Parents in the pick up lane should stage as normal and students will be called one at a time out of the building.