School Newsletters

Hickory Point News- Monday Focus and Guidelines for Illness
Mrs. Bishop's Class

Monday Focus

Hickory Point’s PBIS system allows us to be proactive and responsive to our student’s needs. Recently, we discovered that transitioning from the weekend into school on Monday needed some attention. Our PBIS team has created content to bring our school community together and focus on ways to turn off our weekend mode and turn on our school mode as we begin a new week. Classrooms will use a morning meeting slide created by Champ to reintroduce a concept that the school will work on each week. Morning announcements will also include ways to reiterate our focus for the week. Upcoming lessons include following the group plan, having a safe body, using kind words, and using self-talk.

We look forward to seeing the work of our Bulldogs as we turn on our school mode! 

Guidelines for Illness

As we are now in the cold and flu season, parents may wonder when to send their children to school or to keep them at home. Our district nursing staff have clear parental guidelines on the District Health Resources website. If you have questions, please get in touch with our school nurse, Mrs. Melanie Zimmerman, at

Aims Screenings  are  January 7, 8 and 10

All students will be participating in Literacy Benchmark Screenings. This screening is completed three times a year in August, January, and May. These screenings take 3-5 minutes for each student. Our intervention team will be screening all students from January 7 to 10.

Second grade STAR testing

Dear Second Grade Parents, 

STAR assessments are administered three times during the year in August, January, and May. Reading and math assessments will take place on the following dates:

  • Reading will be administered on January 9, 2025 
  • Math will be administered on January 10, 2025

For additional information on the STAR assessment, please consult the District 27 website.

Important Dates

Wednesday/Thursday, December 18, 19

  • Penguin Patch

Friday, December 20

  • Spirit Day
  • Holiday Parties 2 pm
  • School Closes at Dismissal

Monday, January 6

  • School Resumes

For your children,

Dr. Maureen Deely


Mrs. Lauren Weingarten

Assistant Principal