School Newsletters
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Happy New Year
Welcome back, Bulldogs! We hope you had a wonderful break. We have our PBIS booster next week. Our goals for the new year include expected hallway behavior, inside recess, bathroom behavior, and snow safety. We will begin to review our expectations next Monday. Students are working hard across all settings, and we are so proud of them. Together, Hickory Point is working on being respectful in all settings! We are looking forward to a fun and productive 2025! Happy New Year!
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up
Parent-teacher conferences will take place on February 12 and 13. We are using Meet the Teacher to sign up for conferences, which gives parents more control over their schedules! The conference sign-up system will open on January 21 at 9:00 am. Information about how to sign up for a conference with your child's teachers will be emailed to you on January 21 at 7:30 am. Please get in touch with your child's teachers or the school office with any questions or concerns. Parent-teacher conferences are just one of the opportunities to talk about progress, and parents are welcome and encouraged to reach out to their child's teacher (s) at any time during the school year. It is genuinely through our collaborative efforts that our students achieve success.
Registration Opens on January 14 for Incoming Kindergarten Students
Online kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year opens on Tuesday, January 14. Current District 27 families can register by signing into their Parent Portal, clicking " more," and then "Online Registration." Incoming families can register at The student fee payment portal will not open until August 2025. If you have any questions regarding the kindergarten registration process, please get in touch with Mr. Phillips at (847) 205-4843 or
Academic and Social Emotional Support
We would like to inform you of an academic initiative. Hickory Point has scheduled a supplemental, thirty-minute academic intervention period built into the school day. This time allows teachers to offer additional instruction to students based on their reading, math, or social skill levels. Entry into the groups is based on Curriculum-Based Measurements (CBM) and teacher input. A Hickory Point staff member will instruct your child during the intervention period. As with all flexible instruction groups, students may move from one group to another depending upon periodic, teacher-administered assessments of their academic skills. Typically, student progress is assessed weekly and reviewed every six weeks. If a student does not require this extra academic support, the student's needs will continue to be met by the classroom teacher.
School Office Closes at 3:15 pm on January 15
The School Office closes at 3:15 pm on January 15 for essential school training. Please call the District Office at (847) 498-2610 if you need immediate assistance.
The PTA Newsletter below the principal newsletter contains the Sign-Up Genius for Lunch with Learner. The sign-up begins today, Friday, January 10 at noon.
Important Dates
- Friday, January 17
- School is not in session
- Monday. January 20
- School is not in session
- Tuesday, January 21
- Lunch with Learner Begins
- Friday, January 24
- HP Family Night at Shabonee at 5 pm
For your children,
Dr. Maureen Deely, Principal
Mrs. Lauren Weingarten, Assistant Principal