About Us

Hickory Point proudly serves students in grades PreK, Kindergarten, First, and Second, with an enrollment of approximately 400 students. In addition to a rigorous and coherent academic curriculum, our school offers a variety of clubs that take place before school and a strong social-emotional learning program that helps our students grow. 

Our staff of more than 50 highly qualified educators support children to thrive academically and socially as we create a warm and nurturing environment that fosters curiosity, motivation, and engagement. Our young learners follow the BARRK principles: Bulldogs Are Respectful, Responsible, and Kind! The early grades provide the building blocks to help students take their first steps toward establishing the social, emotional, and academic competencies to become successful learners in a changing world.

Office Staff


Maureen Deely, Principal at Hickory Point

Maureen Deely, Ed.D.

(847) 498-3830, ext. 3302
Email Dr. Deely

Assistant Principal

Lauren Weingarten, Hickory Point and Shabonee Assistant Principal

Lauren Weingarten

(847) 498-3830, ext. 3349
Email Ms. Weingarten
Assistant Secretary
Jill Allen
(847) 498-3830, ext. 3361
Email Ms. Allen
School Secretary
Caroline Buckland
(847) 498-3830, ext. 3362
Email Ms. Buckland
District/School Nurse
Melanie Zimmerman
(847) 498-3830, ext. 3303
Email Ms. Zimmerman

Hickory Point School

500 Laburnum Drive
Northbrook, IL 60062
Main Office Number:
(847) 498-3830
Fax Number:
(847) 798-6029
School hours:
8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Champ, the Bulldog

Mrs. Deely sitting next to Champ, the bulldog, Hickory Point's mascot.